Judith Keilbach
Assistant Professor of Television Studies, Media and Culture Studies Department Utrecht University
Judith Keilbach is Associate Professor in Media and Culture Studies. Her research interests include the relation of media technologies and memory cultures with a particular focus on Holocaust memory. Her current research project explores the television coverage of the Eichmann trial. Judith is author of Geschichtsbilder und Zeitzeugen. Zur Darstellung des Nationalsozialismus im Bundesdeutschen Fernsehen (LIT, 2008) and co‐editor, with Eva Hohenberger, of Die Gegenwart der Vergangenheit: Dokumentarfilm, Fernsehen und Geschichte (Vorwerk, 2003), with Irmgard Zürndorf, of Eichmann im Kalten Krieg (DVD, absolut Medien, 2016) and, with Béla Rásky and Jana Starek, Völkermord zur Prime Time: Der Holocaust im Fernsehen (new academic press, 2019).