Utrecht Forum for Memory Studies


Opening Conference: Memory With(out) Borders

  • 17 – 19 June 2013

Place: Utrecht
What are the emerging alternatives to the nation as a framework for collective memory and identity? Are there new practices of transnational remembrance emerging in an age of advanced globalisation, widescale migration, and new media technologies? Is there a new ‘global’ transnational memory culture and if so, how does it interact multidirectionally with local concerns? Which borders still operate in the circulation of narratives and are borders always to be conceived in negative terms?

This symposium was organised to advance debate on these issues. The aim was to sharpen the conceptual tools for the study of transnational memory and to identify key issues that should be prioritized in research. Building on recent discussions, it hoped to identify the concepts that will be most useful for the study of the transformations going on in contemporary memory cultures as they operate outside, but also in conjunction with, the traditional framework of the nation-state.

The symposium was a kick-off event for the Network in Transnational Memory Studies (NITMES), funded by an internationalisation grant from NWO and coordinated from Utrecht. 
The event was also supported by the Transnational Memory initiative that is part of the Utrecht University research area Cultures&Identities.

For the definitive programme and abstracts please download the files below or check: www.culturesidentities.nl